
Explore Manyone’s extensive library of previously published content for informed perspectives on social networks and big data, decentralization, and the push for self-sovereign digital identities.


20 February 2019

What is Facebook afraid of?

How serious is Facebook about fake news? According to the BBC, Facebook has removed over 500 pages and accounts involved with peddling fake news that they say is linked to…

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18 February 2019

Facebook, Instagram or What’s App?  What’s the difference?

At the end of 2018, Facebook started to report subscriber growth across the ‘Facebook family of subscribers’ making it difficult to figure out if Facebook itself is actually growing or losing subscribers.  The jewel in the crown is Facebook itself and Mark Zuckerberg has proven in the past that he is not afraid to use any means at his disposal, especially money, to ensure Facebook remains on top.

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16 February 2019

The Great Firewall of Russia?

The Russian government recently announced that they are going to take down the Internet in the country sometime before April 1, 2019 as a test of their cyber-defence plans.

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14 February 2019

Checkmate!  Amazon makes a move to get your data before Facebook

There has been lots of talk about Facebook and their shameless exploitation of their users data for profit.  Let’s not forget Amazon. The Seattle-based Internet shopping titan has just made a move in the data game that will put them firmly in control of all your data if you let them.

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12 February 2019

Remember when Facebook friends were your friends?

If Facebook was a real kidnapper nobody, including an investigative journalist, would think twice about escaping when presented the opportunity.  Resist the temptation to trust your kidnapper and delete Facebook now while you still can. Time to escape the captivity of social media and remember what it was like to have friends of your own.  

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21 January 2019

Federal Judge Reveals Facebook Financially Duped Children

Facebook even refers to them as “whales”. The Center for Investigative Reporting has revealed that Facebook deliberately targeted children who unwittingly racked up tremendous charges on their parents credit cards, some which…

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10 January 2019

Why don’t I control who I am?

Especially online where it is easy? It was late 2014 and I was making preparations to move back from the UK to Vancouver after 3 years running the EMEA operations…

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